UK National Inclusion Week

What is inclusion?

Many of us have thought, what is inclusivity? And what does it mean to be truly inclusive?

Inclusion is critical to society, and we must all work together to make equal and diverse spaces everywhere we go. This does not mean you have to know everything, but understanding what inclusivity means is a good place to start.

At Inclusive Employers, we focus on workplace inclusion. Inclusion is an overarching culture encompassing diversity, equality, and many other aspects of our working lives.

It would be naïve to think that by focusing on inclusion, we automatically mitigate the inequalities that exist in the workplace.

With inclusion as our objective, we are much more likely to see greater diversity in our workforces, fair treatment of everyone and greater equality of opportunities as outcomes.

Equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace are crucial to a successful organisation. However, there will inevitably be challenges along the way.

Feeling included is a key aspect of human life. Many of us can recall a sense of exclusion: moments when we felt left out; other; different; that we weren’t welcome or weren’t appreciated.

Inclusion is the reverse: making people feel welcome; ensuring that it is safe for them to express who they choose to be; demonstrating our appreciation for their input; working collaboratively and showing we care.

People spend the majority of their time at work, so it’s critical that they feel safe and respected. The advantages of inclusion and diversity in the workplace are numerous, with main benefits including a large pool of talent, a positive culture, and mutual respect throughout.

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